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Know the current rules end regulations in Portugal.
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LAW no. 2/2011, OF FEBRUARY 9- Asbestos in public buildings.
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LAW no. 63/2018, DE 10 DE OUTUBRO- Removal of asbestos in buildings, installations, and equipment of companies
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DECRETO LAW no. 266/2007, DE 24 DE JULHO- Protection of workers against the risks of exposure to asbestos during work
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DECRETO LAW no. 301/2000, DE 18 DE NOVEMBRO- Protection of workers against the risks related to exposure to carcinogenic or mutagenic agents during work
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DECRETO LAW no. 24/2012, DE 6 DE FEVEREIRO- Protection of workers against the risks of exposure to chemical risks during work
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ILO CONVENTION no. 24/2012, OF FEBRUARY 6- Safety in the use of asbestos, approved for ratification by the Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic no. 64/98, December 2 and ratified by Decree of the president of the Republic no. 57/98 December 2
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Decree Law no. 101/2005, of June 23Prohibits the placing on the market and the use of all types of asbestos or materials containing asbestos (MCA).
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Regulatory Decree no. 6/2001, of May 5- Revised by Regulatory Decree no. 76/2007, July 17 - List of Occupational Diseases.
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Decree Law no. 41-A/2010, of April 29- Amended by Decree Law no. 206-A/2012, of August 31 -Land transport of dangerous goods.
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Ordinance no. 335/97, of May 16- Sets the rules on the transport of waste within the national territory
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Ordinance no. 417/2008, of June 11- Approves the models of waste tracking guides for the transport of construction and demolition waste (CDW)
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Decree Law no. 46/2008, of March 12- Regime for the management of construction and demolition waste
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Ordinance no. 40/2014, of February 17Packaging, transport and management of waste with MCA