Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals, found in rock formations.
Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals found in rock formations.It is known for its resistance to heat, fire, electricity, and corrosion, in addition to having insulating properties.
Due to these properties, asbestos was widely used in various building materials, such as tiles, panels, coatings, insulation, and also in the composition of fiber cement.
However, it was found that the inhalation of asbestos fibers poses a significant health risk.

Although banned in Portugal since 2005, asbestos is still found in a significant number of buildings constructed before that date.
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HOW CAN I BE EXPOSED TO ASBESTOS?Exposure to asbestos fibers can occur in various situations
Renovations or demolitions, as well as the deterioration of materials containing asbestos, such as tiles or panels, can release harmful fibers.
A proximidade de locais contaminados e a contaminação ambiental também podem contribuir para a exposição.

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HOW DOES ASBESTOS ENTER THE ENVIRONMENT?Asbestos enters the environment mainly through the demolition and renovation of buildings containing the substance, releasing asbestos fibers into the air, soil, and water.
Inadequate management of asbestos-containing materials and the natural deterioration of these materials over time also contribute to the release of fibers.
Fires in buildings with asbestos can worsen contamination.
The consequences include contamination of air, soil, and water, with impacts on human health and the ecosystem.