We Offer Innovative Solutions



Meivcore Ambiente
provides innovative solutions
in asbestos removal,
and industrial building and
structures remediation.

Iinnovative solutions in asbestos removal and industrial building and structures remediation.

A Meivcore Ambiente

We offer innovative solutions in asbestos removal, building and structures remediation an industrial demolition.

Our services also include building renovation, the installation of sandwich panel roofing, facade cladding, and the installation of photovoltaic panels.


Committed to sustainability, we adhere to strict environmental regulations for asbestos disposal, contributing to environmental conservation and the protection of public health.

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Our team consists of professionals with extensive experience e in asbestos identification, removal and management, ensuring full compliance with the latest safety regulations.

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From initial inspection and analysis to safe removal and disposal, we offer comprehensive asbestos, management solutions tailored to each project.

Meivcore Banner

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Using advanced equipment and techniques, we guarantee efficient and complete asbestos removal, minimizing health risks and environmental impact.

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Our commitment to health and safety is unparalleled. We adhere to strict protocols to protect our clients and our employees from asbestos exposure.

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